Noppanunt's London Beanie

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Noppanunt is going to live in Thailand .We will miss him. Bry will get to see him when he goes to Asia. We have known him since our CMU years. He is always bringing me back precious gifts from home. I think he might like a beanie. ...or two....we'll see. We gave him a send-off dinner and now he is going to make us dinner next Saturday. I have grounded myself from sewing until I finish this. I made Donnie these for his last birthday.
(note: I have put this post in two blogs: my knitting blog and my sandbox)
Here is my ravelry page on this.

I finished! Yea! Now time to wash-n-block.

Here is Noppanunt wearing his new beanie. What a freakin' cutey! I think I picked out the right colors since he was wearing red. I want him think of his freindship with Bry and I everytime he wears it.

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